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Transcending Levels of Consciousness...

What could be more important than mastering your inner world, transcending levels of consciousness and awakening to the Sacred Journey of your Soul?  
What does transcending levels of consciousness even mean?
To transcend levels of consciousness means to be elevated from the field of fear, control and illusion that primarily, unconsciously, dictates people’s lives.  It is the same fear that resonates deep within the collective conscious and keeps people stuck as victim’s to their lived experience.  Transcending levels of consciousness means to awaken from the illusion that the finite ego-self is master over your reality and begin to see that you are a much greater Being than your finite ego-self could ever imagine.  As a Spiritual Being having a human experience, your Infinite Spirit-Self is the part of you that is connected to the Universal Mind, to Source, to the All Knowing Field of endless possibilities, to God-Consciousness.
For many, the mere thought of such a journey of awakening seems silly and pointless and the implication that there is a Universal Mind connected to some all Powerful God-Consciousness seems absurd. The fact is that until we have awakened to the True Essence of who we are, our True Gifts and Genius cannot fully come forth.  This means of course, that one would not be experiencing life at its Highest Potential.  And that, quite frankly, is what I would consider silly, pointless and absurd.
On the other hand, there are those, myself included, who have been ‘fortunate’ enough to be thrown into the journey of the Dark Night of the Soul and although while it is happening one would not consider themselves ‘fortunate’, the fact is that it is a blessing beyond comprehension.  It is when life has brought them to their knees, perhaps through some great loss, traumatic experience, dis-ease, or addiction.  Through this shredding of the ego, when one comes to realize that they are completely powerless over their current circumstances, they have the exact opportunity in front of them to awaken to the fact that they actually have access to a Power greater than anything the finite ego-self could ever imagine.
It is during this Dark Night of the Soul, through the process of true surrendering, that the individual can open themselves up to facing the Truth of what this painful experience is actually here to show them and how it is here to actually emPower them, but from a completely different energy Field than the ego has access to.   This is where one can realize that life is happening FOR them, not TO them.
Yet, you do not have to take the hard route and experience The Dark Night of the Soul to become aware of your True Nature.  But here’s the thing.  Life wants you to awaken.  Your Soul wants you to awaken.  So somewhere along the line if one continues to ignore the signs that are being shown, they may just have to awaken the hard way.  And although the hard way is powerful, let me assure you, it is not for the faint of heart.
So, how does one begin to truly master their inner world, whether they are in the process of the Dark Night of the Soul, or not?
Well, for one, it doesn’t have to be a long, drawn out process that takes years to reveal the True Essence of who you are and why you are here.  This used to be the case.  Yet, in the new paradigm we are living in, where the collective consciousness is awakening as a whole in ways that it has never done before, our personal transformation does not have to be an arduous experience.
One can begin to awaken by facing the Truth of how they have been living their life and looking at those aspects of themselves that they have kept locked away…the Shadow aspects of their being.   Shadows are the parts of your being that are hidden deep in the unconscious where they remain in the dark. They are considered the ‘dark’ side of the psyche and personality and the conscious ego does not want to identify with them, therefore suppresses them. They are the unresolved issues that are playing themselves out unbeknownst to the individual, including personal, tribal, ancestral and collective impressions held in the psyche and cellular memory.
Here’s the thing…
Shadow has been mistaken for something ‘bad’, something to be afraid of or ashamed of, not to be looked at, something to suppress deep down inside where it goes ‘unnoticed’.  But Shadow does not go unnoticed.  Shadow Consciousness is in fact playing out in every moment of your life, whether you are aware of it or not, whether you believe it is or not. 
Loss of purpose, dis-ease, stress, anxiety, unfulfilled potential, confusion in relationships, feelings of inferiority or superiority, creative blocks, financial disappointment, addictions, depression and discontentment  are not just unfortunate circumstances…they are the exact signs you require to awaken.  These signs have been coded within your Soul at your birth for this lifetime.  Although people do not want to address this aspect of their being, Shadow is actually pointing to exactly what is needed to be looked at for the Soul’s evolution and holds the key for one’s True, complete Essence and Genius to emerge.  Facing Shadow is the exact catalyst that is needed for real transformation to occur.   In fact, you Soul’s evolution is directly linked to your human experience and your Shadows.
When your life is being run by Shadow Consciousness, when Shadow’s beliefs and illusions direct your thoughts, decisions, commitments and actions then, inevitably, they will manifest unwanted outcomes in your life that will keep you stuck and unfulfilled and not knowing why.  Yet, when they are faced and transcended, the energy that was being held by Shadow is released and you enter the Field of Higher Consciousness and Truth.  In reality, Shadow holds your True Power, and it awaits to be released.  That seems to me like some pretty good incentive  to look at your Shadows face on.
To be clear, Truth is not ‘good’ and fear is not ‘bad’.  ‘Good’ and ‘bad’  are just constructs of the mind and remain in the field of duality.   The fact is that words fall short when attempting to explain the realm of Spirit and Truth.  Truth simply is the vibration associated with the energies of Light Consciousness, which vibrate at a higher frequency and are life-giving, expansive and refers to the absence of fear and Shadow Consciousness.  When you are making decisions in your life out of deep rooted unconscious fears, fears that are based in the need for approval, belonging, acceptance or the need to feel in control and have power over people, places and circumstances, then you are not in alignment with Truth. 
As an aside, let us not forget that Shadow is very cunning and subtle, and most people would probably not be able to admit it is even running through their consciousness.
I assure you.  It is.
To be in alignment with Truth, one has to be willing to sacrifice those things that give them a false sense of safety, security and power.  In every given moment you can ask yourself, “does this thought/action/decision come from the realm of fear or Truth”?  The more one practices this, and the more one becomes willing to be completely honest with themselves, then the more Truth shall be revealed to them. 
One has to be willing to go to any lengths for their Soul’s evolution and to live in their Highest Potential.  It is the reason you are here.  It is the reason you have chosen to come into this life at this time.  As we each awaken to this Truth, the collective awakens as well and we then can move on to being the Sovereign God-Conscious Beings we really are instead of being trapped in the collective energy of victim-consciousness together.
Confront and transcend your Shadows.
Awaken to the Sacred Journey of your Soul.
Refuse to accept status quo. 
Refuse to listen to the voice of the finite ego-self that will tell you, “I’m good, thanks” or “nothing wrong here”.
You will never be the same for it.  And that is an exciting proposition to consider.


Guiding people to Expose Shadows, Reveal Truth, and Awaken Genius.



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