Ever Wonder Rectangle

Ever wonder what your life would be like if you followed Truth. No. Matter. What. ?

Have you ever found yourself doing or saying something that didn’t really resonate within you, but you did it or said it anyway and you weren’t really sure why?  Have you found that patterns like this have run through your life…same behaviours manifesting that just didn’t sit right with you yet you continued them anyway?  Perhaps you couldn’t even say why they didn’t feel ‘right’, you just had a sense something was ‘off’.
Have you ever felt frustrated that you just couldn’t seem to get to where you wanted to go, or maybe you couldn’t even come up with what it was you really wanted in the first place?  Have you ever felt hopeless thinking things could never change, but somewhere deep inside you knew there must be another way? 
Well, I am a master on this subject because I lived the majority of my life this way.  Doing and saying things that I knew didn’t feel right to me and then being resentful either to myself or another party, and then falling prey to the victim consciousness that was running wild in my being.  What was even worse was that for the most part I was acting this way unconsciously and the only thing I was really aware of was that life was an effort and I was failing at it.  Yes, as I said, I was a master of this and at being in victim consciousness.  The most amazing part was that from the outside, no one would have known the difference. 
Behaviours such as doing things or saying things for the wrong reason, (ie seeking approval, people pleasing, gaining acceptance, maintaining a sense of ‘control’, attempting to be something you are not, etc., etc.), or living life the way one feels they ‘should’ be living instead of how they truly desire to live it, fall under the domain of Shadow Consciousness.
Shadow Consciousness really has many names.  Fear. Resentment. Co-dependency. Victim consciousness. Envy. Greed. Selfishness. Guilt.  Power over. Inferiority. Superiority. Control issues. Rage. Delusion. Confusion. Blocks. etc etc.    At its core Shadow Consciousness is when our finite ego-self is running our lives as master over our consciousness. 
Now to be clear, there is nothing wrong with the ego.  The problem arises when the ego believes it is master, and the reason this is a ‘problem’ is because the finite ego-self as master is primarily run by fear and its primary primitive purpose is to keep you feeling safe and in control, no matter what.  What that means is it will behave in any way it needs to to make sure you are safe, surviving and feeling in control.  The other problem is that it runs primarily on the programming and conditioning held in the subconscious which includes the personal, tribal and collective consciousness, which is also rooted in fear and resides in the domain of duality, of ‘good’ and ‘bad’.
So what if life didn’t have to be this way? 
What if you awakened to the fact that you are an All-Powerful Being that could choose something different?   What if you awakened to your Infinite Spirit-Self that is connected to the Field of endless possibilities and your Genius?
Well, you can. 
This isn’t about ‘manifesting’, saying ‘positive affirmations’ or ‘visualizing’.  This is about REAL Spiritual Alchemy.  This is about transcending levels of consciousness and connecting to God-Consciousness, which is the consciousness of Truth and resides within the Field of endless possibilities and creation.  This is about your True Genius coming forth into your lived experience.
So how can you bring forth this experience?
You can begin by transcending your Shadows and deciding that you are going to follow Truth from now on.  No. Matter. What.
Let me explain what this really looks like, because I have seen people say they want to follow Truth, they have done #allthethings, studied #allthemanifestingtechniques, sought #spirituality and #enlightenment everywhere they could, and yet, when it comes down to their day to day life they still allow Shadow to run the show.  And they wonder what the problem is.
The problem is they haven’t fully surrendered.  And I say this from a place of compassion that most likely comes from having been there myself.
True surrender is not only one of the hardest things to do, but also one of the hardest things to try to explain and that is because somewhere in the process there is also a need for Grace.  Grace is something that one has to allow to enter their field and somehow that Grace carries you through the process of surrender.   The key is you have to want your Soul’s evolution more than you want anything else.
Living life in alignment with Truth takes a courage that is found only deep down within the very core of your being.  It requires you to want your Infinite Spirit-Self to be Master over your lived experience more than you want #allthethings,  perfect relationship, perfect home, perfect career, respect, success, even more than enlightenment itself.  The thing is, most people don’t want to surrender all of that, therefore Shadow Consciousness continues to dictate how they experience their life and they fall victim to the belief that there is nothing they can do about any of it.  And that is the biggest lie of all.
Living life in alignment with Truth means surrendering everything you think you know and being willing to open yourself up to the endless potentiality of The All Knowing Field that will Guide you on a journey of magic and synchronicities and awaken your Genius, the True Essence of who you really are.
It simply looks like this. 
Next time you find yourself in a situation to make a decision,  stop and ask yourself, “which part of my being is this serving?  My finite-ego-self or my Infinite Spirit-Self”.  Ask yourself what the motive is for every thought you have and every action you take.  Is the motive to gain something?  Is it to keep you feeling safe?  Is it to prove something to yourself? To prove something to others? To belong to your family of origin, your community, your tribe?  Is it to feel superior?  Ask yourself if bringing forth your Infinite Spirit-Self and Genius is the most important thing to you.  Because it has to be.
Be honest with yourself.
Be real.
Be raw.
You will  know if you are following the guidance of Truth, because it will make no sense at first.  It may even seem foolish. You will be following the voice of your Intuition and most likely you will be scared out of your mind.  And seeing as the main problem resides in your mind, remember, being scared out of your mind is a good thing.
So next time you are asked to do something you don’t want to do, be honest with yourself.  Next time you go to say something check in with yourself first.  Next time you are about to make a decision, seek your motive first. 
Follow the scary path. 
Follow the path of Truth.
Ever wonder what your life would be like if you did?


Guiding people to Expose Shadows, Reveal Truth, and Awaken Genius.



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