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Enter the Knowing Field...

In any given second of every hour of every single day you have access to a Field of such Infinite Knowledge, Truth and Potentiality that awakening to its Presence will transform your life beyond your imagination.  It is as real and accessible to you as every breath you take.
The Field holds all Truth, all Knowledge and all Wisdom of everything that has ever BEEN, all that IS and all that has potential to BE. Connecting with it and tapping into its Infinite Intelligence will give you access to your True Genius. This is beyond what the human finite ego-self and subjective mind can comprehend and that is why only when the ego’s voice is silenced can one truly experience The Field’s Presence and Power. 
This is The Field of God-Consciousness, Genius and Infinite Potential. Yet, for most, it goes unnoticed and ignored.  The Field requires that the chatter of the mind be stilled and all opinions, programming and conditioning of the finite ego-self be released.
If a Field so great does exist then why isn’t everyone aligning and connecting to it?  For the majority of people this is still out of reach because the collective whole is still addicted to its brilliant mind, victim consciousness, and the need for power.  Most people are unconsciously stuck in the realm of the finite ego-self which believes it is master over their experience and they cannot hear the guidance of their Infinite Spirit-Self which is connected to The Field. 
The finite ego-self is run on the programming and conditioning held in the unconscious that is rooted in fear, control and survival. It is here that Shadow Consciousness resides and dictates behaviours that do not best serve your lived experience. This is when you experience all forms of discomfort, confusion, dis-ease, anxiety, depression, stress, addictions, financial disappointment, lack of inspiration or an over-all feeling of discontentment…even if you are already deep on the Spiritual path.
Yet, it does not have to be this way. By transcending Shadow Consciousness the grip of the finite ego-self is released as is your True Power.  It is then that your Infinite Spirit-Self becomes Master over your reality and you align with The Field, God-Consciousness and Infinite Possibilities. 
It is where the unseen becomes seen and the unknown becomes known. It is where your Genius and True Essence emerges into your human experience. 
Enter The Knowing Field.  The requirements for entrance are quite simple.
Be willing to face Truth and ask to be shown.
You will be surprised at what transpires.


Guiding people to Expose Shadows, Reveal Truth, and Awaken Genius.



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