
Shadow Consciousness...

Ahhhh, Shadows.  The hidden aspects of the psyche that are not as hidden as one might like to think.
In every given moment we are reflecting out into the world the Truth of who we are and where our consciousness is residing, whether we are aware of it or not.
Our words, thoughts, actions, energetic frequency and behaviours are like the store-front of the workings of our inner-most being.
It is by observing ourselves closely, and honestly, that we can truly get in touch with who we really are, how we are holding back, where we are resisting change, where shadow consciousness is present in our lives and where our inner work needs to begin.
Shadows are the inner most workings of our deepest fears and are considered the ‘dark’ side of the psyche and personality, yet they have been completely misunderstood.  It is this misunderstanding that has led people to avoid facing their Shadows, those parts of themselves that they find objectionable, or that they fear would be considered objectionable by the outer world if they were to be exposed.
Yet, by looking away from our Shadows we are actually giving them more power.  And by power I mean a stronger voice.  A stronger presence.  A stronger grip on our lived experience.
The thing is, Shadows want to be seen.  They want to be heard.  The purpose of their existence is to be exposed so the Truth of who you really are, your True Identity that they are keeping hostage, can be released.
Shadows have been encoded within your Soul for the exact purpose of being exposed.  That is why Shadows actually cause so much disturbance in our lives.  It is their ‘job’ to disturb.  They come in the form of  confusion, fears, depression, resentments, broken relationships, dis-ease, lack of purpose, addictions, creative blocks, discontentment and on and on.  And they do so for the sole purpose of giving your Soul the opportunity to evolve.
Without this friction there wouldn’t be a need to move into higher levels of consciousness and we would  be stuck in an existence where being less than our Highest Potential would be acceptable. And really, is that not the reality that is running through the collective conscious in our world today?  Would you say the collective’s Highest Potential is actually manifesting?  Look all around you.  How much Shadow is currently being exposed in the world?  Does it really look like it is hiding to you?
So, It is through the process of transcending Shadows that the Soul evolves because the Soul does not want to be anything less than its Highest Potential.
As an aside….to look at Shadows as ‘bad’ is to be streaming ones consciousness through the limited programming of the mind which resides in the realm of duality.  Shadows are not ‘bad’, in fact, they need to be seen as the keepers of your True Authentic Power.  Once Shadows are confronted and seen for all that they carry, then your True Power is released and you can transcend into their higher frequency, Light. 
Light Consciousness is the realm of your True, Authentic Self.  The Self that is free from the programming held in the collective consciousness.
When one is stuck in the realm of the collective shadow consciousness they are lost in the sea of collective desires,  acceptable ‘norms’ and conditioned cookie-cutter existences.  One can not hear the sound of their own inner Knowing when lost within the realm of the collective.  Unlike an individual who is drowning in a sea of Shadow Consciousness, a True Sovereign Being who is streaming their consciousness through Light Consciousness is connected to the Power of the Divine, to God-Consciousness and is riding the wave of Unlimited Potential.
When Shadows are seen for the gifts that they hold you begin to understand that they are not meant to bring you down but instead exist to be the exact catalyst your Soul requires for its evolution and for great transformation in your human experience.
You do not need to look outside of yourself for the answers you seek.
Dive deep into the centre of your Shadows. There is a wisdom that will be found there that will dissolve all fear and illusion.  You will experience an inner alchemy of the Soul that will catapult you into the Realm of Light Consciousness.  But you cannot take your Shadows with you.
From within your fear and pain, your True Power will emerge.
From your confusion the Clarity you seek will arise.
From your sensitivities your Intuition and Inner Knowing will be Ignited.
Face your Shadows.  They patiently await your acknowledgement.


Guiding people to Expose Shadows, Reveal Truth, and Awaken Genius.



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