Blog 7 August 2021

Embodied Spiritual Alchemy


  • To give tangible, physical form to Spirit’s Journey of Transcending Level of Consciousness through the Human experience;
  • The Soul’s ethereal transformation brought forth through Matter; 
  • The Body’s manifested expression of the Soul’s evolutionary process;
  • Consciousness shape-shifting as Matter

To fully understand the true meaning of Embodied Spiritual Alchemy, one must first connect to the fact that they are a Spiritual Being having a Human experience.  Without this first realization and awareness, there is no point in going further in trying to understand the depth of what Embodied Spiritual Alchemy is.   

The Alchemic process that occurs as one Transcends Levels of Consciousness can only, truly, be experienced from within, it cannot be fully explained in the written word.  Words can have a tendency to limit one’s own experience if one is not awake enough to pay close attention to the transmission of the words instead of the actual words themselves.

As such, attempting to put any experience into words risks the reader getting stuck in their mind, and being stuck in the mind takes one completely out of their Body and out of the Alchemic process.  And so, I invite you to continue reading from a space of openness, inviting in your own personal experience to be shown to you as you allow the words to land within your Field, beyond the realm of your mind.   Here I will guide you on a journey of how the Alchemic process of Transcending Levels of Consciousness manifests Spirit (the intangible) through your Body (tangible matter).

To begin, let me be clear. This is a big conversation to be had and an even bigger awareness to contemplate.  It is a conversation to be started here, yet it does not end here.  As a Spiritual Being having a Human experience, at some point in the continuum of your Soul’s journey, you will come face to face with what it truly means to Embody your Spiritual Essence and what it means to Transcend Levels of Consciousness through your physical form.  

Your physical form.

Your Body.

Your Sacred Body, which is the vehicle for your Soul’s evolution, carries, on a cellular level, every thought, action and experience you have ever had. In its Divine Wisdom it allows the Alchemic process of bringing forth Consciousness into your lived experience to occur.  It is the physical manifestation of Spirit’s Expression, uniquely Expressed through your individual Sovereign I AM Presence.

What does this mean?  This means that your Body holds the Consciousness that your Being resides at.  A lifetime of experiences, thoughts, behavioural patterns, unresolved trauma and conditioned programming is being held by your Body.  This can be seen in the way you stand, in your aches and pains, in the depth (or lack of depth) of your breath, the posture you carry and the energetic vibration that you emanate.

Your Body, in its Divine Wisdom, quite literally manifests your conscious and unconscious beliefs, conditioned programming, thought patterns and past experiences.  It is continuously speaking the language of your Soul’s Journey and although the collective consciousness has not been taught yet how to read its messages, that does not negate the fact that your Body’s Wisdom is being broadcast out into the world in every moment of your life, through your actions, decisions and words.

Your Body holds the clues as to what Shadows are still lurking in your psyche and it is pointing you to the exact obstacles that need your attention. 

It is here that it is also important to state that “the Body never lies”.  

As one begins to discover the language of their Body, they begin to see that a right knee ache that they have had for over a decade is not random.  A physical dis-ease that has manifested is not just ‘bad luck’ or hereditary.  Anxiety and depression that cannot be overcome are not just an ‘inability to cope with life’. A recurring digestive issue is not just a result of what food one eats.  Bad posture is not just a result of not listening to your grandmother who would tell you to “stand up straight”. 

Every single experience your Body is having is a call-out that something is looking to be resolved within you.  It is not just a matter of ‘not standing up straight’, it is about getting to the root cause of WHY you are not standing up straight.

For example, if you are holding on to an unconscious belief that you are less than or not good enough, your Body will follow course and manifest itself in a way that reflects that exact belief.  Remember, your Body speaks the voice of your unconscious beliefs, therefore, no amount of prodding from your grandmother to stand up straight will make a difference.  If you don’t believe in your own worth, your Body will speak that Truth for you, even though you probably think you are hiding it from the world.   You will hunch over in your shoulders, your spinal column will collapse causing your midsection to round over or maybe your head is in complete misalignment with the rest of your body, hanging forward, defeated. 

On the flip side, as you do your inner work to Transcend the Shadow of ‘unworthiness’, not only does your Consciousness shift, but your Body shifts as well.  Standing up straight will no longer be a ‘thing’ that you have to ‘try’ to do, it will just occur, of itself, as a result of Transcending Levels of Consciousness. You will find you stand straighter, your midsection is strong and erect and you will hold your head high. This example shows us how Shadow Consciousness has manifested into matter and how the process of Embodied Spiritual Alchemy can occur once Shadow Consciousness has been Transcended.

Creation is the process of bringing forth Spirit into Matter.

From thought and belief your creations come forth and become your tangible reality.  

Spirit is streamed through your current state of Consciousness, and so the saying, “As you think, so you become”, is quite literal.  If Shadow Consciousness is not addressed, then your life experiences AND your physical body will manifest unwanted, limiting situations that leave you feeling stuck.  This is what occurs when your Consciousness is streamed through your Shadows.  Your Sovereign Spirit Self, your True Essence, is not able to fully come forth because it is being streamed through fear and your programmed conditioning which is at the root of Shadow Consciousness.  Until you address the root issue that your Shadows are actually pointing to, there is little hope of real change occurring.

Yet, what one finds when they are Awakened to the Sacred Journey of their Soul and dedicated to doing their deep inner work to Transcend Shadow Consciousness, is that their lived experience begins to shift and so does their Body. 

This is where the Alchemic process comes alive.  

As you release years of conscious and unconscious guilt, shame, resentments, programmed conditioning, trauma, limiting beliefs and fear, your Body begins to shift as well.  As you are elevated into Higher Levels of Consciousness, you enter the realm of bringing forth the Higher Dimensions of Being into your lived 3D experience.  Lifetimes of unresolved issues, dis-ease and discontentment are released on both a Spiritual and physical level.  The energy that was being held by Shadow, and quite literally by your Body, is released, as is your True Essence, Authentic Power and your Highest Potential.  This is the realm where true Magic, endless Synchronicities and your Genius reside.

To be clear, Shadow Consciousness isn’t ‘bad’. Your Shadows are in fact the exact catalyst that is needed in order for you to pay attention to what is still looking to be resolved within you.  They are actually Guides on your path.  Without your aches, pains, internal struggles and discomfort you would not have the opportunity to Evolve, Transcend and fully realize your True Essence as a Spiritual being having a Human experience.


Where many run away from their discomfort, the committed Spiritual Seeker will dive deep into the center of it, because that is exactly where one’s Freedom and True Power resides…at the center of their aches, pains, Shadows and fears.

There are many on the path of Self-Discovery and Self-Mastery.  There are as many journeys of Awakening as there are Souls and each journey is uniquely tailored.  Yet, regardless of where your journey of Awakening takes you, if you do not connect with the shift that is required on a physical level, you will get lost in ‘la-la land’, up in the clouds, where you are not grounded, present, or manifesting real change in your life.  This is the place where one must be cautioned about Spiritual bypassing.  This is when one over-compensates in the Spiritual realm because of their inability to connect fully to their Human experience. 

I have worked with so many who are seeking endlessly for Higher States of Being…and doing so with earnest intentions, yet they ask me the same question time and time again, “why isn’t my life changing?”.  Well, the Truth is it isn’t changing because they have not gone through the true Alchemic process of bringing forth the Spiritual aspect of their Being into their lived experience.  They have not fully Transcended Shadow Consciousness.

Being a Master of Higher Dimensions is great and all, but as a Human having a very real Human experience, the Higher Dimensions are actually quite useless if they are not being streamed through the individual’s lived reality. 

And so, Embodied Spiritual Alchemy is the result of truly integrating both worlds…the Spiritual and the Physical.

It requires being aware that your Soul’s Evolution is found in your Human experience and that Transcending Levels of Consciousness is the most important work one can do.

It requires facing your fears, Transcending your Shadows and Embodying your True Essence. 

As you Awaken to that Truth, then the True meaning of Embodied Spiritual Alchemy is experienced, the mind is silenced, and no further words are required.

⚡️ Transcend your Shadows.

⚡️ Master your BodyMind.

⚡️ Awaken to the Sacred Journey of your Soul.

The Portal into Transcending Levels of  Consciousness awaits you.  

Download “A Taste of Truth” by clicking here, if you are ready.



Guiding people to Expose Shadows, Reveal Truth, and Awaken Genius.



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