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Master Your BodyMind and Unleash Your Genius...

Your body is the vehicle for your Soul’s expression and evolution.  From the realm of Spirit you came forth into physical form. 
You came to Experience.
You came to Grow.
You came to Evolve.
You came to Transcend.
It is no small task for Spirit to become matter.  Nonetheless, here you are.
Yet, through this process of landing in physical form there has been a forgetting.  A forgetting of the journey you embarked on for your Soul’s evolution. The forgetting that your Body, Mind and Spirit are not meant to be separate entities that have somehow become entangled, but rather they are three distinct Sovereign Entities meant to work together. 
The word Psychosomatic is one to remember and really begin to contemplate on a deeper level for anyone who is really looking to find the true meaning behind their existence and for anyone who is looking to awaken to their Genius.  Psychosomatics is the study of your Soul’s expression in physical form.  Its meaning is more than just a cool and mystical esoteric idea. 
psychosomatic psy·cho·so·mat·ic | \ ˌsī-kō-sə-ˈma-tik
of, relating to, concerned with, or involving both mind and body
psyche; from the Greek psykhe, meaning “the soul, mind, spirit,
or invisible animating entity which occupies the physical body.”
soma; from the Greek ‘soma’, meaning body
The teachings of Psychosomatics remind us that every thought, event, memory (conscious and unconscious) has been recorded in every cell of our body.  The body, in its Infinite Wisdom, is always guiding and pointing us in the direction of overcoming that which our Soul has come to transcend.  With every pain, ache, discomfort, it is telling us where to look in order for our Truth to be shown.  It is our job to pay attention and to learn how to decipher its messages. 
The Body is the Soul’s messenger. 
I stumbled upon the Truth that our body speaks the Wisdom of our Soul quite innocently actually.  I was not even aware of it at the time that I was stumbling across something very profound. 
It started when my body began to shut down from a dis-ease called Multiple Sclerosis.  I knew this dis-ease quite well as my only childhood memories really consisted of watching my mother being brought, literally, to her knees from the same dis-ease. Three decades after my birth, (which by the way, was when she was first diagnosed), it was bringing me to my knees (literally) as well.  (We will save the significance of ancestral trauma for another time…)
I fought it at first.  I was in complete denial that anything was happening to me.  Yet, the day came when the physical manifestations of the dis-ease were beyond anything even I could deny any longer.  When one finds themselves at age 36 no longer being able to work, losing sight in one of their eyes, unable to drive and bed ridden from a fatigue so dilapidating that even going to the washroom became a chore….when one is faced with all of this, it is hard to deny reality anymore. 
Surrender has many layers. 
One of my deepest surrenders came one afternoon when I found myself on the floor of my bedroom after having been injected with a dose of steroids that  was supposed to help the current relapse that I was experiencing.  Unfortunately, the medication mostly just made me feel like I had been run over by a really big truck. 
Here’s the thing.  On that  specific day I wasn’t actually trying to surrender.  I didn’t wake up that morning having decided that today was going to be the day that I surrendered.  And as an aside, surrender was something I was quite familiar with because I had experienced it at this level two years earlier when another dis-ease, alcoholism, had brought me to my knees as well. 
As I lay on the floor I spoke out to the Universe and declared that if this was how I could best be of use in the world, completely useless, then I would accept it, then and there.  I declared in that moment that I was in complete acceptance of how it would all unfold.  I meant it.  I actually really meant it.   And somehow, by some Divine Grace, my conviction was greater than any fear that was trying vigorously to enter my field.
Being brought to your knees is quite a gift actually, because there really isn’t anywhere lower to go and somehow bottoms bring with them hope, even though that hope is disguised at first like hopelessness.  Like I already mentioned, because I had experienced it once before at this level, I understood the process. 
Something happened that day, in that moment of surrender on the floor.  Trying to put it into words almost seems comical, because putting Spiritual experiences into words can never achieve its purpose, which is to transmit something that can only be experienced.  What I can explain though is that there was an opening in the cosmos that came from that moment of surrender that day.  It was as if the conviction of my surrender was powerful enough to have aligned me to another parallel universe of existence and endless possibilities. 
The Powers that Be had heard me.  And they believed me.
From that moment on something very interesting started happening.  Information started coming into my field about alternative ways of healing and through a process too extensive to explain here, I started to heal by connecting with my BodyMInd.  I started to connect with my body and learn its language.   I began to realize that everything I was experiencing was the exact thing my Soul required to evolve, and that life was happening FOR me, not TO me.
I studied and experienced everything and anything I could get my hands on that had to do with Spirituality, Consciousness, Trauma, BodyMind Connection, Psychosomatics, Somatic Experiences, Energy Healing,  Ancient Wisdom, Cultural, Ancestral and Systemic patterns, and on and on and on. I began to face the Shadows hiding in my subconscious.  I met them all.  I faced them straight on.  I dug into the programming and conditioning that had taken my mind hostage for decades and I did so relentlessly. 
It was excruciating.
It was dark.
It was real.
It was raw.
And it continued for almost a decade.
Truth be told, it was if the whole process was out of my hands and a force greater than my finite ego-self had taken over.  That moment of surrender changed the course of my life forever.  That moment of surrender had called forth my Infinite Spirit-Self.
Do you want to know what started to happen as I cleared away the Shadow Consciousness I had been living in since the womb, and most likely even before then?  My body began to heal.  I started to get stronger.  I started to see things differently all around me.  My intuition became stronger.  I began to see the unseen. My inner Knowing awakened. My Genius began to emerge.  My work in the world became apparent.
The body never lies.  The body holds all the Wisdom of the ages, all the answers, all the knowledge we require, if only we can stop and learn how to listen
Transcend your Shadows.
Master Your BodyMind.
Awaken to the Sacred Journey of your Soul.
There will be no turning back, but I promise you,  you will be in awe of what transpires.


Guiding people to Expose Shadows, Reveal Truth, and Awaken Genius.



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