I’m Adamantia Drimoussis and I am an Intuitive Coach, Teacher and Spiritual Guide to Soul-Led Women who are ready to step into their Next Level Self. Women, like you, who are ready to fully embody their Power and True Essence, while utilizing their AUTHENTIC, INTUITIVE, CREATIVE and HEALING gifts.
I am thrilled you are here, because here’s the thing…
If you’ve landed here, chances are you are seeking to take your Life and your Life’s Work to the next level. You are ready to own who you are FULLY and embody your True Essence effortlessly.
And in my world that’s a really big deal because my Soul’s Purpose and Passion is to Guide individuals just like you to Transcend your Shadows and fully Awaken your Genius so that you can Amplify your Impact in the World while monetizing from your Genius.
I get it...
I understand what it feels like to know that there is a ‘something more’ inside of you but not yet able to fully connect with it and bring it forth into the world. I know the feelings of overwhelm, confusion and burn-out trying to figure it out on your own. I also understand that when the Calling of the Soul to EXPAND and step into your Next Level Self is heard there is no turning back. In fact, it becomes too painful not to move forward. And at the same time it is exciting to know it is time.
The truth though, is that I didn’t always have the clarity and understanding that I have now. In fact, for most of my life I was consumed by Shadow consciousness and fear, disconnected from my inner being and intuition. This eventually manifested as addiction, physical dis-ease and a complete misalignment from my True Essence. Until one day almost two decades ago, in complete defeat, I put out my own Call to the Universe. And the Universe responded. I was Guided by a sequence of ‘unexpected’ events that led to the perfect teachings, teachers and healers coming into my life that I was meant to learn from.
As I dove into non-traditional methods of healing I began to Transcend my Shadows, limiting beliefs and conditioned programming. I was freed from the grip of addiction, my body healed and my reality transformed forever. My Intuitive Channel opened and my ability to see the unseen was Awakened. There was no turning back.
We all have our own Hero's Journey

It is significant because I was once seeking, as you are, to
Uplevel my Life and bring forth the Soul-Aligned work
I am here to do in the world.
And it is significant because I have personally experienced the Energetic Uplevel that occurs as a result of Transcending my Shadows and following Truth no matter what.
Which means my journey and personal experience
is now in service to yours.
The Journey
There was a time in my life when nothing was falling into place. In fact it was the opposite, everything was falling completely apart. It was over 17 years ago that I found myself in the deepest, loneliest journey of my life…the journey of The Dark Night of the Soul.
At age 34 I had found myself on the floor of my closet, the door closed in front of me, sitting in the complete dark defeated. Interestingly enough this wasn’t the first time I had found myself in this position, banging my fists into my head.
But there was something different about ‘this time’.
After two decades of both fighting and denying the dis-ease of alcoholism, which was really just a continued attempt to numb myself from years of internal turmoil (and the playing out of Shadow Consciousness within me), I had found myself at a bottom that paradoxically seemed endless.
I was emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually bankrupt.
My nervous system had held as much as it could hold and this moment in time found me not only emotionally defeated but physically as well.
Unbeknownst to me at that time, I was experiencing the power of the BodyMind connection in its truest form. The dis-ease Multiple Sclerosis had finally found its way through my system and so I was literally brought to my knees.
And then something very REAL happened…
The Awakening
From somewhere deep inside of me, I spoke these words out into the abyss, not even aware of where they came from….
“I can’t do this anymore, please help me.”
Looking back, it is very clear to me that the call I put out that day instigated an opening in the Universe that led to a sequence of events that I have now come to understand as Spiritual Experiences. And those Spiritual Experiences allowed me to step into a new reality.
The road to recovery and healing began and the seeking hasn’t stopped since.
If you would have asked me back then why I thought my life was falling apart, why I so desperately needed to numb myself in every possible way, I would have answered from the depths of the victim consciousness that I was consumed by. And as a side note, that the collective consciousness is consumed by as well.
I would have told you back then the ‘story’.
The story of the developmental trauma that started from the womb and continued in my early childhood as I began to be seriously impacted by having two very ill parents, both with debilitating diseases, that my two sisters and I became caregivers to. I would have continued to tell you how I was so self-consumed with shame and fear that it paralyzed me, and that the only relief I found was through that first drink at 13. The first drink that became my parent, my best friend, my escape, my solace.
But, alcohol was not the real problem. Multiple Sclerosis was not the real problem. There were no real ‘problems’, there were only pathways. The fact is that I was experiencing the exact things that my Soul required to Awaken and to Transcend Levels of Consciousness.
Even though I probably would not have believed you if you told me back then, the Truth was that these experiences were happening for me, not to me.
Today, I tell a different story. I have the awareness that the Soul’s journey is best explained and understood from the higher perspective of the Infinite Spirit-Self, where the mind is free from Shadow Consciousness and its bondage to the limiting programming of the finite ego-self’s perspective of the 3D experience which is rooted in fear and survival.
Everything we experience as humans holds the potential to become the exact catalyst that is required for our Soul’s evolution and the human’s Highest Potential and Genius to emerge. And as a side note, as one’s personal evolution occurs so does the evolution of the collective whole. When seen as such, the process of deep transformation begins and one’s quest for Truth is ignited with an almost unstoppable force.
Looking back, I can bow to it all.
The Seeking
Transcending Shadows and Evolving is an active, co-Creative process with the Universe.
As I lay in my bed during those early years, searching to heal every cell of my being, I continued to ask to be shown and I would be Guided to the perfect teachings and teachers that were required for what I needed to Transcend at that time.
To be clear, I believe the teachers and teachings showed up because I continued to ask the Universe to show me and because when I heard the Guidance I took it. The more I listened to my Intuition, the stronger it became.
My personal healing then turned into a seeking of everything I could get my hands on that had to do with Spirituality, Consciousness and alternative healing. This led to trainings and certifications in Shadow Work, Psychosomatic Therapy, Energy Healing, Family Constellations & Systemic Work, Kundalini Yoga and Addictions Recovery.
As I studied and started to apply the teachings that I was learning to my own life, the unresolved issues that were being held in my unconscious mind and in my body on a cellular level started to be released and a psychic change was occurring internally. This energetic upgrade was also manifesting profound changes in my outer world. I grew stronger in Body, Mind and Spirit. I was released from the grip of addictions, my body healed, and I Aligned with my True Essence.
That alone would have been more than I could have imagined…but my Soul had a bigger plan.
I began to attract people into my Field who were seeking Guidance for their own Uplevel, and as we worked together they started to have profound shifts in their lives.
As a result, my Spiritual Coaching Business emerged.
What this means for you...
With the personal experience and knowledge I had acquired on my own journey of healing and Awakening, my thirst to bring forth my Highest Potential emerged and my Spiritual Coaching Business was born. Almost effortlessly I began to attract and work with others who were looking to bring forth their Highest Potential with the same passion and longing that I had experienced myself.
The AMAZING individuals I work with are VISIONARIES, SEEKERS, HEALERS, INTUITIVES, CHANGE MAKERS, TRUTH TELLERS, COACHES and CREATORS who have a burning desire to ELEVATE themselves as well as the Collective Consciousness.
My clients thrive on bringing forth their Soul’s True Essence and they believe that the more they are Aligned within themselves, the more they have to give to the world. I guide them to EXPAND, EVOLVE and CREATE through my Soul Aligned Coaching which continues to ACTIVATE them into a Higher State of Being.
It is our mutual love for this process that allows them to step into the Portal of their Next Level Self, connecting them even deeper within themselves, their Higher Self, their Intuition and the work they are here to do in the world. They create from their Soul, attract the people they are meant to work with and they are in Alignment with their True Calling.
And this is what is available for you.
The purpose of my Hero’s Journey was to Awaken and share the many facets of my Genius with people like you.
I am multi-dimensional in my approach and the individuals I work with are attracted to me because of that.
I can read their Field with precision and I can see their blocks. I am able to Guide and emPower them to Transcend their Shadows and connect to their Genius.
It is our mutual love and passion for this process that Activates a Portal for their Next Level Self to emerge, connecting them to their Highest Potential and making them a magnet for those they are here to serve.
And this is what is available for you. 🖤