Take The Shadow
Archetypes Quiz
From Bondage to Breakthrough...
Shadows are the parts of the psyche that are hidden deep in the unconscious. Their existence is denied because they are considered unacceptable in the personal, tribal and collective consciousness.
When your life is being run by Shadow Consciousness, (limiting beliefs and conditioned programming) it is like living in an illusion where you have forgotten what a Powerful Divine Being you really are.
This manifests in various forms…lack of fulfillment and inspiration, inability to fully bring forth your dreams into reality, feelings of anxiety, depression and confusion, creative barriers, financial blocks, dis-ease and addictions, relationship issues, or you just can’t keep those last 20 pounds off.
This Shadow Consciousness which is rooted in fear, survival, victim mentality and the need for power and control is actually here to GUIDE you. Understanding this allows for the Spiritual aspect of your Being to begin to take an active part in your GROWTH and TRANSFORMATION.
Any frustrations you are experiencing are not random, unfortunate events. In fact, it’s the exact opposite…they are actually a Calling from your Soul to Awaken to your Highest Potential.
Shadow Consciousness is the exact catalyst that is required to instigate real change in your life. It is the language your Soul speaks in order to communicate with you.
The Truth is, Shadows are Divine Messengers.
It is your Soul’s way of saying, “look here, it’s time“.

As you face your Shadows, you will begin to Awaken to the fact that life is happening FOR you, not TO you,
and that you are an All-Powerful Being that has the ability to create any life you desire.
The more you do your inner work, the more of your TRUE ESSENCE is revealed. As a result your life becomes AUTHENTIC and FULFILLING.
The more AWARENESS you have and the more you understand how Shadow Consciousness manifests in your life then the more you also begin to realize that you have the ability to Transcend your Shadows and move into a more EMPOWERED way of BEING in the world.
THIS is where it begins to get juicy!
And this is why I get excited.
I know what a powerful CREATOR you really are and I know that by bringing some real awareness into your life you can begin to experience real CHANGE.
The kind of Change that takes your BREATH AWAY!
Like my client Karina who says: “This right here is Magic. The Shadow Code Program changed my life. The chronic sinus pain I’ve had for years is gone, I no longer feel like a victim, I am free from the ever grinding ‘do more, be more, not good enough’ engine, I have a relationship with my body that I never thought possible, I can have difficult conversations, and the relationships with myself, my children and my husband are now BETTER than they have ever been.“
Or Christy, who didn’t understand how her ancestors played a role in her current day relationships but as a result of doing this deep inner work on healing the past she was able to shift her current day reality in breath-taking ways that affect how she shows up with her children, parents, siblings, and her business! That’s why she is able to say:
“If you are ready to literally have a Sacred Shift on a Soul level you are in the right place with Adamantia!“
Or Jomarie who knew she was ready to connect deeper with her Next Level Self and knew she had Shadow work to do before she created her online business. As a result of working together she explains how: “What took place over the time I was part of this program with Adamantia was a catapult and catalyst into a newer version of myself“. She was then able to take real action to create her spiritual healing business.
Aphrodite shares that: “This work is a game changer for me and for this world. I was able to let go of the constant need of attention and approval of others and become a much calmer, more confident and intuitive person.“
Heidi has stopped selling herself short looking for love and has found a deeper meaning on a Spiritual level with who she allows into her life.
“I now VALUE myself and KNOW my inherent worth in a way that I could have never imagined.“
As you Transcend your Shadows, you will unlock the Codes to your Genius, the True Essence of who you really are, and your
Highest Potential will emerge.
This is the Sacred Journey of your Soul.
This is the process that Elevates your human experience.
Shadows are Divine Messengers Guiding you into Higher Levels of Consciousness.
‘The Shadow Code Program’ is your Portal into a Higher State of Being where you will become aware of how Shadows are playing out in your life and then be guided to Transcend them, connect with your Genius, and Create the Life you Truly Desire.